Instructions for Satisfaction with Salary

This is a study of satisfaction with salary and how it depends on comparisons of salary with salaries paid to others working in the same job.

Imagine that you have worked for a company for 2 years and you learn for the first time that not everyone doing the same work is paid the same. You find a list of 7 people who are doing the same work and have been evaluated as equally experienced, qualified, and productive.

Here is the list of the yearly salaries these people receive:

$30,000; $42,000; $44,000; $46,000; $48,000; $50,000; $62,000

Now, imagine that you are the one who is paid $30,000. How would you feel? Next, imagine that you are paid $62,000 per year. How happy would you be with your salary in that case? Please look again at the list and imagine yourself earning each of the different amounts.

Your task is to rate how dissatisfied or satisfied, how happy or unhappy, you would be if you received each of those salaries, now that you know what other people are getting who are doing the same work. Please make your ratings on the 7 point scale using integers from 1 to 7 to indicate how satisfied or dissatisfied you would feel about your salary:
1 = Not at all happy and 7 = extremely happy. Please review the entire list before you start to make your judgments.

  1. $30,000     Not at all Happy Extremely Happy

  2. $42,000     Not at all Happy Extremely Happy

  3. $44,000     Not at all Happy Extremely Happy

  4. $46,000     Not at all Happy Extremely Happy

  5. $48,000     Not at all Happy Extremely Happy

  6. $50,000     Not at all Happy Extremely Happy

  7. $62,000     Not at all Happy Extremely Happy

CSUF students: To receive credit in your SONA account, please complete the following items. The following will be used only for the purposes of giving you credit toward the research requirement assignment.




11. EMAIL (CSUF email):

12. Are you Male or Female?

13. What is your age? years.

14. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

15. Nationality (e.g., USA, UK, France,):

16. How many hours per week do you work for pay? (if full-time, put 40).

17. What is your yearly income (in $USD), rounded to the nearest $1000? (e.g., for $41,120, type 41).
$ Thousand USD


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