In this part, we want you to continue putting a BUYING PRICE on each gamble.
For gambles you want to play, think of the highest price you would be willing to pay for the opportunity to play the gamble for real and win one of the prizes of the gamble. That is, you will pay an amount of maney and you get to receive the prize of the gamble, depending on the toss of a coin.
For gambles you DO NOT WANT to play, think of the highest price you would pay to AVOID having to play the gamble. This is like BUYING INSURANCE.
In both cases you are buying CONTROL over the gamble. You are buying the right to play it or to avoid it. When you want to play the gamble, just type in the highest amount you would pay to play it. When you DO NOT want to play the gamble, type in a MINUS sign and the highest amount you would pay to AVOID the gamble.
REMEMBERS: Do NOT TYPE the $ dollar sign. DO use the MINUS sign for gambles you DO NOT WANT TO PLAY, and put in the highest price you would pay to AVOID playing the gamble.
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