Thank you for Participating!

Decisions and Choices

Thank you for participating in these studies!

Read our informed consent document, which explains that these tasks are harmless questionnaires whose results will be reported anonymously. Each part below takes from 5 to 8 minutes. You can earn 1/2 hour credit, if you complete the tasks properly according to the instructions. Your responses will be checked by HUMAN researchers, and credit assigned within 48 hours AFTER the DEADLINE for participation in this session. That is, if you sign up for a session ENDING at 11:59 pm on FRIDAY, your data will be checked on Saturday and Sunday and you can expect credit by 11:59 pm SUNDAY, even if you did the task several days earlier.

Please start with Part 1 and then do the other tasks in the order listed.

1. Part 1: Decisions and Choices Part A

2. Part 2: Decisions and Choices: Buying Prices Part B

3. Part 3: Decisions and Choices: Buying Prices Part C


Optional: After you have completed these tasks, if you wish to learn more about this type of research, you will receive a link to read about Studies in Judgment and Decision Making