This is a study of judgments of the size of salaries. How "big" is your salary, compared to all of the other salaries listed below, on all trials.
On each trial, you will see a different workplace, the salary that you are paid, and the salaries of others who are doing the same work at this workplace. Your salary is labeled Your Salary, and the salary or salaries of other(s) are labeled as Others.
Please scroll down and read over all the trials to get an overall picture of all of the different salaries, before you start. You can think of each trial as a scenario describing a different company and a different salary you receive there. When judging how big your salary is, we want you to think of all the other salaries in all of the workplaces on all trials. Judge how big is your salary relative to all of the salaries that you and the others receive in all of the trials below combined.
Your task is to rate how big or small each salary is on the 7 point scale, by clicking one of the buttons on the 7 point scale to indicate how small or big you judge your salary to be, relative to all other salaries in the study:
Very Small to Very Big.
Remember: Judge the size of Your Salary compared to all of the other salaries on all of the trials.