Instructions for Study of how much you would like someone

In this study we are interested in how much you think you would like a person, based on how much you like a source of information about that person, and what the source thinks about the person. Bill is someone you know and tells you how much he likes John. But you might like or dislike Bill and Bill might like or dislike John.

In each case, your task is to judge how much do you think you would like John, based on what you think about Bill and what Bill thinks about John.

Warmup Trials Study of how much you would like someone

W1. You hate Bill & Bill hates John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

W2. You love Bill & Bill loves John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

W3. You hate Bill & Bill loves John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

W4. You love Bill & Bill hates John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

1. You dislike Bill & Bill loves John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

2. You love Bill & Bill hates John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

3. You hate Bill & Bill loves John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

4. You are neutral toward Bill & Bill is neutral toward John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

5. You like Bill & Bill likes John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

6. You hate Bill & Bill likes John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

7. You like Bill & Bill dislikes John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

8. You like Bill & Bill hates John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

9. You dislike Bill & Bill hates John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

10. You love Bill & Bill loves John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

11. You hate Bill & Bill hates John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

12. You like Bill & Bill is neutral toward John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

13. You are neutral toward Bill & Bill dislikes John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

14. You are neutral toward Bill & Bill hates John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

15. You dislike Bill & Bill likes John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

16. You hate Bill & Bill is neutral toward John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

17. You love Bill & Bill likes John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

18. You love Bill & Bill dislikes John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

19. You hate Bill & Bill dislikes John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

20. You love Bill & Bill is neutral toward John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

21. You are neutral toward Bill & Bill likes John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

22. You dislike Bill & Bill is neutral toward John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

23. You dislike Bill & Bill dislikes John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

24. You like Bill & Bill loves John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

25. You are neutral toward Bill & Bill loves John
Dislike very very much                  Like very very much

26. What is your age? years.
27. Gender: Are you Male or Female?

28. How many years of Education have you completed? Put 12 for High School Diploma
Put 16 for college diploma (bachelor's degree).
put 20 for doctorate degree (Ph.D., M.D., etc).
29. Nationality (country of birth):

Please check your answers. When you are done, push the button below.

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