Instructions for Liking of People described by Adjectives

Please read each pair of adjectives and imagine a peson who would be described by both adjectives.
You can assume that both adjectives are equally accurate.
Please rate on the following scale:
1 = dislike very very much
2 = dislike very much
3 = dislike
4 = dislike slightly
5 = neutral (neither like nor dislike)
6 = like slightly
7 = like
8 = like very much
9 = like very very much

Warmup Trials Liking of People described by Adjectives

W1. mean & phony
W2. kind & sincere
W3. mean & sincere
W4. kind & phony

1. kind & quiet
2. kind & phony
3. blunt & quiet
4. mean & sincere
5. blunt & phony
6. mean & quiet
7. blunt & sincere
8. mean & phony
9. kind & sincere

10. What is your age? years.
11. Gender: Are you Male or Female?
12. How many years of Education have you completed?
Put 12 for High School Diploma
Put 16 for college diploma (bachelor's degree).
Put 20 for doctorate degree (Ph.D., M.D., etc).
13. Nationality (country of birth):

Please check your answers. When you are done, push the button below.

Thank You!